Monday, January 25, 2010

Newsletter - Jan 2010

New Cart

The Peak Backup shopping cart has changed since 2009. On January 1, 2010, we needed to migrate to a new cart platform for a number of limiting pricing options. Migration of accounts was not available. If you ordered in 2009, you can find your historical information here:
For new orders (if you haven’t already) in 2010, you’ll need to create a new account on Peak Backup’s website.

New Cart Specials

For special pricing, this is a permanent page added in 2010:

Business for Sale

If your online backup business has cash flow and you’re interested in selling, contact Peak Backup.

Ahsay Release Subscription

Ahsay has been relaying this in their correspondence recently…
For news on the latest update, please subscribe to the following RSS:

Peak Backup Discount Changes

Ahsay did change our negotiating limits for 2010, so the following link shows the product discounts:
The two big changes are (1) previously we could offer 12.5% off repurchase, this is now 5%; (2) we can add to licensing not originally issued by Peak Backup.

Affiliate Link

You’ll see an affiliate link on the new cart. It’s not active even though there is wording. I’m considering investing in an affiliate program versus online advertising. So, I’ll send a follow-up newsletter soon if that is the path we decide.


Jim Robinson
719-433-4230 (New 2010 - Feel free to add to your network)